The Teylamail 29 – Fog Hill

Hey all! To pick up where we left off, after we got back from our travels further south we got in a few more walks Sometimes in larger groups, sometimes just our little family. Ooooh! I´m starting to get excited here, because I have a very interesting Teylamail to write, but I´ll try not to…

The Teylamail 28 – The Mirror Waters

Hey, all! The Miss T blog-takeover continues. Mam really wanted to practice her photography skills over the summer, so when we got home from our vacation she insisted upon going for another hike. Dad and I obliged and went for a walk with her someplace outside the city. I´m not sure what it´s called or…

Teylamail 20 – Oh, yeah!

Hello, everybody! I can tell you all I am so happy right now! Not only did Mam make good on her promise of more walks once she was done with her master’s degree in Pedagogy – she says hi and thanks so much for all the good vibes – but she got the kind of marks…

The Teylamail – Special Edition

Mam and I would just like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays, feliz navidad, fröhliche Weihnachten and god jul wherever you are.