The Hobbit – The Battle Of The Five Armies and the palette I built for the event.

InglotMy local movie theatre has earned itself a reputation for being creative and highly skilled at making the really big movie premieres not just another premiere, but a noteworthy event. And sometimes I get to be part of the team behind the experience.

It was very important that my stay in Belfast didn’t coincide with the premiere of The Hobbit – The battle of the five armies, as I knew months in advance that my presence would be wanted behind the scenes at the time. There would be elves and hobbits that needed to be camera-ready at the same time, every day for almost a full week, so I decided to pop by Inglot in Dublin and build a palette that would work for everyone, and at the same time be of use to me after the party was over.

I picked up a contour shade, along with a blush and highlighter combo, a trio of light matte eyeshadows, a taupe shimmer, a matte milk chocolate brown and a dark chocolate brown with flecks of shimmer. Shades to provide me with a very natural as well as naturally sculpted look, along with a more dramatic look if I wanted.

All the products felt very dry to touch, but didn’t kick up much excess or produce fall-out, and the intensity could be easily built up, so very, very happy with my first Inglot products here. I just wish there was a shop nearby so i could pick up more shades, because this was and is a pleasure to use. And the cheek products make for great eyeshadows as well.

I haven’t got the shade numbers handy at the moment, but comment if you’re interested, and I’ll get them for you.

I made the ears for my elves and hobbits myself, and used Makeup Revolution’s Cream Blush in Caramel Shake to achieve a more natural colour after applying them. Though less noticeable than most of the ears commercially available, mine turned out quite good in pictures.

I mostly had help with the hair, and I can’t take credit for the dwarfs, but here are some photos from a very fun, exciting, exhausting, sad, stressfull, enjoyable week in December, and the premiere of the last Hobbit movie.



I wanted my hobbits to have dewey skin and a natural flush, using a tinted moisturizer and a cream blush in addition to the palette.



hobbit and man
I had nothing to do with the styling of these two, but I love this shot of the hobbit and the man. I believe the relation is quite accurate.
Check out
Click the photo to learn more about this fierce crowd! Mind, with the exception of the elf princess, they did their own styling.

Big thanks to all of you folks who made this an unforgettable week and the premiere of the movie such an amazing event!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. vilikke says:

    Jeg har en (snart to) Inglot-paletter med øyeskygger, og de er egentlig veldig fine. Jeg har foreløpig bare erfaring med de matte og DS-skyggene, men jeg har akkurat bestilt en kvartett med skimmerskygger for å teste dem, også. Jeg foretrekker mindre paletter framfor de større, fordi de er lette å ta med seg. Jeg liker også kremlinerne, som sitter bedre enn alt annet jeg har prøvd.

    1. sirilovise says:

      Ooh! Takk for tipset! Må prøves 😉

  2. Sunny says:

    My my this looks like FUN! Is it wrong to say I want to try those pointy ears on? LOL

    1. sirilovise says:

      Not at all! You know, I just did this to have an excuse to wear pointy ears myself 😉

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