I’ve Been Nominated For A Sunshine Award!

I’ve gotten some blognominations I’ve been neglecting of late, and once more, I blame the weather, and probably laziness, but mostly it’s the weather. Anyways, with the lack of sunshine we’ve got here, it’s only fitting that I pass forward some nominations for the Sunshine Award that Miss Vanilly kindly nominated me for. She’s been…

Winter Has Come

I’ve been having a guilty concience of late. I’ve so many blog posts to write, and so little time to do it. Or, I’ve had time, I just haven’t had the energy. Also, when it comes to beautyblogging, the time of year is making it hard for me. I know! The festive season should be…

Loki’s Not All Bad

I saw Thor 2 last night. It was quite an enjoyable couple of hours, not least because of the guy in the row behind us whose kneggs had me and my friend giggling extra hard in our seats. I almost forgot about the obvious LotR-wannabe scenes. Anyways, found this little piece at Refinery29. In other…

Pre-Christmas Pressy For Meself.

It’s almost that time of the year when panicked shoppers take to the streets, despereately asking SAs for advice on what to get their third cousin by marriage twice removed for Christmas. The candy started arriving in stores weeks ago, and long before that I started planning so that 1) I would be able to…

Happy Monday

Time does not waste itself.   Off to volleyball practice. Happy Monday!